A halter is a head-collar (also known as a headstall) that is used to lead an animal by its head (and not its neck). It is often used to lead draft horses or other animals that work in fields or pastures, or to lead animals that are being trained. A halter is a type of head collar that is used to lead an animal by its head. It is also called a headstall or headcollar. A halter can be made from rope, leather, or nylon webbing, and it may also be called a head rope or head rope bridle. A halter is used to lead an animal by its head because it is attached to a lead rope that is tied to the animal’s front legs. The lead rope is usually about two feet long and is attached to the halter with a knot called a “headstall knot.”

How to use a halter

A halter is used to lead an animal by its head because the lead rope is tied to the front legs. The lead rope is usually two feet long and is attached to the halter with a headstall knot. To use a halter, first put the halter on the animal, then tie the lead rope to the halter. The lead rope is then used to lead the animal to the place where it will be kept or ridden. If you want to take the animal out of the pasture or pen, put the halter on and lead it away. If you want to put the animal in a trailer or other vehicle, put the halter on and lead the animal to the vehicle. You may want to use a halter when you are leading an animal to the vet or groomer because it is easier to handle than a rope that is tied to the animal’s neck. When you use a halter, you should not lead an animal by its head if it is pregnant or has an injury or weakness in its neck. If an animal has an injury or weakness in its neck, use a headcollar or headstall that is designed for that kind of animal.

How to choose a halter

There are many different types of halters that are available. Before buying a halter, you should decide which type of animal you will be leading. The type of halter that is best for you will depend on the type of animal that you want to lead. If you want to lead a horse, steer, mule, or other large animal, you should buy a head collar or headstall. If you want to lead a small animal, such as a goat or dog, you should buy a head collar or headstall that is designed for that kind of animal. When you are buying a halter, look for a halter that is made of quality materials. You should look for a halter that is made of nylon webbing, leather, or rope. You should also look for a halter that is properly sized for your animal. If you are leading an animal, you should make sure that the halter is sized correctly for that animal. A properly sized halter will help prevent the animal from getting hurt.

Types of halters

There are many different types of halters. There are head collars, headstalls, and halter combinations. A head collar is a type of halter that is used to lead an animal by its head. A head collar is made of nylon webbing, leather, or rope, and it may also be called a head rope or head rope bridle. A head collar is used to lead an animal by its head because it is attached to a lead rope that is tied to the animal’s front legs. A head collar is used to lead an animal by its head because it is attached to a lead rope that is tied to the animal’s front legs. A head collar is used to lead an animal by its head because it is attached to a lead rope that is tied to the animal’s front legs. A head collar is used to lead an animal by its head because it is attached to a lead rope that is tied to the animal’s front legs.


A halter is a type of head collar that is used to lead an animal by its head. It is often used to lead draft horses or other animals that work in fields or pastures, or to lead animals that are being trained. A halter is a head collar that is used to lead an animal by its head. It is also called a headstall or headcollar. A halter can be made from rope, leather, or nylon webbing, and it may also be called a head rope or head rope bridle. A halter is used to lead an animal by its head because it is attached to a lead rope that is tied to the animal’s front legs. The lead rope is usually about two feet long and is attached to the halter with a headstall knot. A halter should be used with caution, as it can be a dangerous tool if not used correctly.

Frequently Asked Question

Horse Tack is a piece of equipment that is fitted to a horse or pony, to assist with the riding of a horse or pony.  The term tacking up is used to describe the process of placing the equipment on the horse or pony. Often Horse Tack is kept in a "Tack Room". A room normally in a stable block, where the horse riding equipment is stored ready for use.



The 5 most important parts of a horse's tack are 
  1. The Saddle
  2. The Girth
  3. The Saddle Pad
  4. The Bridle
  5. The headcollar
If you are leading your horse in from the field or tying it up outside the stable block, the first piece of tack that goes on a horse is the head collar or halter. Once your horse is secure, you can then swap the headcollar for the bridle and once the bridle is in place, you can then proceed with the saddle pad, saddle and finally the girth to secure the saddle and saddle pad in place.
This is purely a tradition thing. Historically soldiers would mount a horse from the left, to stop their swords from hitting the horse. As a result, horses were tacked up on the left and it is a tradition that has just stuck. However, there is no reason why you can tack up on the right and also mount your horse on the right-hand side. In fact it is good practice to get your horse used to both sides.